Happy Missionaries! |
Monday was pretty dope. We went to the Stevens's (as always) but this time he BBQ'd chicken and steak! But while he was grillin', Adam, his son, and us missionaries and another guy who was there played a game of football and let me tell you, it was sooo needed. We played in church clothes in a field and I got a little dirty haha. Worth it.
Tuesday was pretty normal. District meeting was good, the STL's came. We went to see a guy with Devaux but of course he couldn't meet then and rescheduled for Wednesday, so Devaux took us to get some gyros at a Greek place. We then went to Walmart and got stuff for service finding. The sisters didn't text in and didn't call or answer their phone, so we called the ZL's and the STL's to let them know. They're supposed to be in by 9:00 but at 9:45 they didn't answer and phone went right to voicemail, so we headed out to go check on them. Keep in mind they live about 45 min to an hour away. As we were getting ready they finally called...well...they had turned off their phone and forgot to text in. Speck was having a panic attack.
Those ribs though...go better with smolder. |
Wednesday we went service finding and I can't believe how prideful some people are. We offered like 15 people to wash their windows or help with their yard for free and literally all said no they can do it by themselves...correct me if I'm wrong, but if 2 young guys capable
of doing work ask to work for free, I would put them to work. As we were walking, we got chased off by a mad, foaming pitbull. No one in the south keeps their ruthless mutts on leashes or chains so they go roaming and attacking for no reason. I pulled a knife on it and got ready to defend my own, but it backed off. We also talked to some dude who tried to destroy our testimonies with his logic on how religion is evil and drags people to hell and then used a misunderstood scripture to tell us that and so we tried testifying but he wouldn't allow us to because it doesn't matter what we think...I was pretty silent the whole time (so that I didn't blow and rail on him) and he took it as I was receptive to his BS and pointed at me saying I will remember his words and follow his advice...that torqued my shorts...very fierce. We legit told him to have a good day and I walked away very fast. He said a roadside prayer with us and asked god to lead us in the right path and I about walked away. I'm telling you my patience is getting pretty strong. But good thing, Devaux bought us ribs so that outweighed some of the bad! We also found a huge snake and got a kitten. Pretty weird freaking day. But my feet were shot and I was pretty upset with Satan.
Snakes, why did if have to be snakes? |
Thursday was better. Less happened and not much besides walking 8 miles to the church, doing family history and playing volleyball. Richard couldn't come to Volleyball cause one of his friends went to the hospital and he went to help him. Good day at volleyball! We had a blast! My legs are broke, my foot arches are shot, but hey, I'm still kickin' haha.
Friday was very very VERY hot. Humidity is picking back up and so is the heat. Gary Faught, a member we haven't seen in a while, got back in contact with us and took us to see Mike and we had a great lesson! He's still struggling with word of wisdom, but we are making a plan with him to help him! We were able to help him see the light in the dark, that Christ suffered so that we could repent and not be bound by death or affliction or sin. We read Alma 7:11-13 with him and he was baffled! To ensure he keeps reading, we had him put his Book of Mormon on his pillow to remind him to read every night. He wants to join the church so bad! Brother Hooper, the member he lives with, had some great input and I think he is gonna help rebuild his fire! We've had some District problems, but all will be well in the end.
For some reason a smile just won't do... |
Saturday, we actually had a miracle! First off, we were in the apartment for a while because the office elders came to drop off the OTHER elders microwave, but they came and chilled a bit. Elder Jennings, Elder Nielson's old companion, told me that he will bring the bench set for me to my next area when I'm transferred haha. So it's Gucci having office elders as friends haha. But we went out walking and I had an idea to go talk to a lady Elder Hill and I found a while ago. She was so happy to see us and was asking questions and asking us why the church. Why our church over others? We explained how Christ set up his church and got to the Book of Mormon and she asked how she can get one. Without thought I shot mine out and said "by taking this one!" Pretty loudly haha. It was actually really funny that we all started laughing haha. She told us that she needed to pray about it after reading and pray about what we say and elder Speck and I literally jumped and squealed as little school girls and said, "Perfect, we were just about to tell you to do that!" Haha. After that we went and moved some members, the Fortes, with Micah. Micah and I kinda did most of the work, but it was good! I found out I truly am better at real world Tetris than most people! I still feel like the amount of times I've moved someone out here, is still less than he amount of times I have moved just from city to city haha.
It seems this was a delicious meal. |
Sunday was bland, in fact, pretty lame. We had an amazing church service and had some amazing talks about freedom and liberty and service! This was the closest I've come to crying in sacrament meeting on my mission. No investigators came because Tawana got the stomach virus, Mike didn't show and Richard was with that friend...probably. Haha anyways we had a great church time. We had a member stick up for us in missionary work in priesthood. For some reason, people brought up how baptisms and work is declining and how there's more missionaries but less success. They bring it up a lot...but this guy (from Arizona, he's sister Fortes's brother) stood up and said it's not the missionaries's fault it's happening, it's not a failure, but rather more people are being converted for the right reasons and it's creating more converts instead of members. I wanted to stand up and hug him so hard. It made some people feel so dumb. Good. We made scones, pancakes and eggs for lunch and we downed it so fast! They were soooo good! Then like 3 hours later We went to Devaux's for dinner and had alligator and pulled pork sandwiches. I'm getting so fat. I love it! I gave a thought on John 15:13 and 2 Nephi 1:7. It got intense. I got pretty emotional about it cause I take Memorial Day pretty seriously cause it's not just a day for parties, BBQ's or fun, but for remembrance for those who fell in sacrifice for us, out of love for their country and us. We then went to Bro. Jordan's and I got his tea recipe! Finally, it took me forever to get it. And no mom, it's not the bad tea, it's herbal. I'm in the south, I have to like tea.
Southern scarecrow...not keeping the snakes out! |
Guys, today on Memorial Day, don't just use it as another 3-day weekend. Don't use it for a party or BBQ. Remember those who fell for us. They didn't even know us and loved us enough to leave behind THEIR family, THEIR comfort, THEIR lives and THEIR freedoms, so that we could enjoy ours. If that's not something to remember and to celebrate, then forget
every other holiday besides Easter and Christmas. Literally, "greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Don't take this day for granted, but use it to pay respect. Have fun and enjoy your day, but remember those who can't enjoy today because of the price they paid for it. I love y'all, don't ever forget that!
Kings Do King Things
Goin' Buck Wild