Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Post Skype (highlight of our Christmas) email...less words, more pics.

It is Memphis after all,,,Thank you, thank you very much.
Hey guys!  It was so great talking to you guys!!  Those kids were nice but a couple were mean haha. I'll send a couple vids of them!  I got all the pictures!!  I looked horrible why didn't you tell me?
Haha I'll send a few pics from this week though.

I loved the ear muffs!  I was told it gets cold in January and February!  So I'll need them!  I'm wearing the socks as we speak!  We didn't end up going so we're going to see Doug tonight.  He was
actually just in salt lake last week!  I love the Star Wars pjs the Taylor's gave me!  I wore them to sleep last night haha.  Sure so great I love that family!  I hope grandma is having a good time over there.  She deserves it.  She will feel better soon I hope.

Somewhere between p-day and proselyting...
I'm wearing the slacks tonight!  They're so comfy!!  The sweater fits too.  Yeah get me that email!  And Ryan's!  Ryan Orton haha.  I love you too mom!  I can't wait to see you guys again on Mother's
Day!  Till then weekly emails will have to be suffice hahaha.  This morning we helped a member move.  They're moving to thatcher AZ so that's awesome!  They're one of my favorite families here so it's really sad!  They're the ones who give us a crap ton of food.  That's just about it though!

Kings Do King Things
They Call Me Fuego

Puppy love and ugly sweaters.
More leaf duty.
Ain't he cute? The puppy isn't too bad either.

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