Tuesday, October 3, 2017

I am going to go out on a limb and say he is lost in the work...his words are few.

We know him as Kai Bear, this is his brother.
Hey y'all!  Not too much to write about this week.  A lot of meetings and exchanges and just lots of driving!  The temple was a blast!  I went with Elder Edwards and Pickering and it was just awesome!  I loved Conference!   Not going to lie, my favorite one was Joni L. Koch.  We have absolutely 0 right to judge someone else.  I loved the quote "we have no right to portray anyone as an unfinished product."  There is absolutely no way to justify our evil actions in putting someone down or trying to make someone feel as if they aren't good enough.  We ourselves are unfinished and have flaws.  Oh what need we have to look upon others as we do ourselves!  In Matthew 25:40, Christ himself says "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."  Everything that we do or say or even THINK towards one another is directly the same thoughts you are thinking towards the savior.  Our words about others reflect our words towards the savior.  I beg and plead of y'all to please look upon others through God's eyes, as HIS children.  I love y'all so much and pray for y'all nightly.

Kings Do King Things
Goin' Buck Wild

I hope the Elders aren't the cause...
Joyful Temple Leaping

We be ridin...

Let us all press on...

...in the work of the Lord.

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